What's New: March 24th, 2023


New! 🚀

Core Updates

  • Kiosk+
    • Templates: Our highly requested reusable Kiosk+ templates allow users to set up their Kiosk+ how they prefer, then save it as a template, so they can easily re-use it when logging in next instead of having to constantly reconfigure them.


  • Perform Class Auto-Hide: We've also added the setting to automatically remove classes from the Perform list after the class ends. Users have a dropdown of time options as pictured.7CC9922B-C22E-4E62-86DA-055AE2758DF1.png
  • New Reporting Tabs
    • Financial > Transactions


  • Classes > Reservations 


  • Simple Sign-in Kiosk - Progression Levels: We've added Progression Level images next to client names on Simple Sign-in. It gives coaches a quick view of where clients stand without having to click around too much, and if they want to see more details, they can just click in to see which criteria are complete or incomplete.


Mobile App Updates

  • Global Jiu-Jitsu Components: We’ve added global Jiu-Jitsu components to our Workout Builder. This covers a wide range of techniques, including written instructions and video demonstrations of each component. 
  • Biometric Authentication: We’ve also added Biometric Authentication (aka Face ID) so that users can more easily and quickly log in on both iOS & Android devices. 


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