What's New: April 16th, 2021


New! 🚀

  • Customizable Confirmation Page on the Online Sales Portal - We understand that the Online Sales Portal Confirmation Page is many times your first interaction with a new client, so you want the ability to update this confirmation page as you see fit. We have added the ability to customize the confirmation page for each membership template on the Online Sales Portal. Now you get complete control over the first interaction with that client! OSP_Customization_1.pngOSP_Customization_2.png
    • This can be adjusted in each Membership Template (Classes > Memberships > Select Template) or within each Appointment Pricing Plan (Appointments > Pricing > Select Pricing Plan) 
  • Bulk Delete function within the Recurring Class list - Need to change your class schedule? You can now easily delete recurring classes in bulk to help you save time managing your class schedule! 
  • The term "Athlete" will be converted to "Client"

Bug Fixes 🐜

  • Communication
    • Bug fix so Coaches can add attachments to emails in the Conversations feature
    • Cancelled Class email sent to Coaches will be sent from the correct location for multi-location gyms
    • Mass emails scheduled at the same time from different admins with different default locations will no longer show the same location for multi-location gyms.
    • The Welcome Email will now be called the "Welcome to Wodify Email"
  • Financial
    • Payment plans will no longer be $0 for gyms using a space as their financial separator
  • People
    • Inactive Athletes at another gym signing up for a free trial at your gym will no longer show as a drop-n. They will be reflected as a free trial lead.
  • Retail
    • An error will no longer be shown when processing a $0 cart on the Point of Sale
    • The Cost per Unit, Price, and Barcode fields will be correctly shown on the Inventory export for Products with no variants
  • WOD 
    • The Bulk Copy WOD date validation will now accurately trigger for gyms with DD-MM-YYYY date formats
    • The correct Until date will generate on the Bulk Copy WOD feature 
  • Rise
    • The Food Journal will now allow participants to scroll to the 'Save' key if they've entered enough text to hide the key



Coming soon… 

  • Rebuilt and redesigned Client App for all of your members
  • Continued bug fixes
  • Additional Insights Improvements for more customized reporting


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