Invoice Configuration

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Invoices can be customized to fit your business's needs. Below are some of the options available for Invoice Configuration. 

In this article, we will cover:


Member Invoice Date 

Admins have the ability to set a default billing date for membership invoices. This date can be adjusted for each individual basis. 

To set your default Members Invoice Date:

  1. Go to Financial > Settings
  2. Within the Invoice Configuration tab > Member Invoice Date
  3. Select the default date from the drop-down menu. The options are:
    • 1st of the Month
    • 15th of the Month
    • Last day of the Month
    • Membership start day
  4. Scroll Down and Click Save 


Invoice Auto-Bill

Admins have the ability to set an auto-bill limit for both credit card and bank account transactions. Once an invoice has reached this limit, auto-bill will automatically be turned off for an invoice. 

To set your default Auto-Bill limits:

  1. Go to Financial > Settings
  2. Within the Invoice Configuration tab > Invoice Auto-Bill
  3. Select the limit from the drop-down menu for both credit cards and bank accounts. You can have different limits for each type of transaction. The options are:
    • Until successful payment 
    • 1 time 
    • 3 times
    • 5 times
    • 10 times
    • 20 times 
  4. Scroll Down and Click Save 


Invoice Footer

Admins can edit the invoice footer applied to all invoices created in Wodify. The invoice footer is optional but is often used as a place to thank customers or tell them any other information.  

To edit your invoice footer: 

  1. Go to Financial > Settings
  2. Within the Invoice Configuration tab > Invoice Footer
  3. Update the Invoice Footer field
  4. Click Save

All new invoices, either created manually or through payment processing, will include your footer.


Currency Configuration 

Admins can set a currency symbol, precision, decimal symbol, and separator for their business' invoices.

To edit your currency configuration : 

  1. Go to Financial > Settings
  2. Within the Invoice Configuration tab > Currency Configuration
  3. Update the Currency Configuration field. An example of what the currency will appear as on an invoice will populate in the Example textbox. 
  4. Click Save


If you need any additional assistance with Invoice Configuration, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).


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