Using Bulk Actions

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Wodify offers the ability to efficiently group data together to complete certain actions using our Bulk Action feature. Sections such as Workouts, Clients, Leads, Programs, Classes, and Invoices have this as a convenient tool Admins can use when making critical changes. 

In this article we will cover:


Bulk Actions under People > Clients:

Wodify wants to make the process of mass switching client information as easy as possible! To use our bulk actions under People > Clients:

  1. Click on the uppermost checkbox on the lefthand side of the screen (highlighted below)
  2. If clients are on more than one page, click Select X clients to the right of the bulk actions dropdown 
  3. Uncheck any clients that will not be included in the mass update
  4. Choose Change Default Program, Change Default Location, Change Status, Reactivate, Deactivate, Add Client Tags, Remove Client Tags, or Export to perform a mass update on all selected clients 
  5. Perform the changes in the next dialogue box and click Save


Bulk Action under Classes > List:

Wodify wants to make the process of mass switching classes and coach information as easy as possible! To use our bulk actions under Classes > List:

  1. Click on the uppermost checkbox on the lefthand side of the screen (highlighted below)bulk_actions_3.png
  2. If classes are on more than one page, click Select X classes to the right of the bulk actions dropdown 
  3. Uncheck any classes that will not be included in the mass update
  4. Choose Export, Export as CSV, Cancel Classes, Delete Classes, and Change Coach to perform a mass update on all selected classes
  5. Read the warning in the next dialogue box and click Ok to confirm changes bulk_action_4.png


Bulk Actions under Financial > Invoices:

Wodify wants to make the process of mass switching financial invoice information as easy as possible! To use our bulk actions under Financial > Invoices:

  1. Click on the uppermost checkbox on the lefthand side of the screen (highlighted below)
  2. If invoices are on more than one page, click Select X invoices to the right of the bulk actions dropdown 
  3. Uncheck any invoices that will not be included in the mass update
  4. Choose Pay Invoices (Cash), Void Invoice, Update Due Date, Turn Auto Bill On/Off, Add/Remove Invoice Tags, or Export to perform a mass update on all selected invoices
  5. Perform the changes in the next dialogue box and click Ok/Save

TIP: If you see a box to the top left of the table, there will more than likely be a bulk actions option with each catering to its specific section.


If you need any additional assistance with using Bulk Actions, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).


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