Take control of your Wodify Site. Easily edit copy, replace images, and customize buttons with the simple instructions below.
While there is a lot you can do yourself, there are some things that only the Wodify Sites team can do. If you need to make changes to your website navigation, add or remove page sections, add or remove new static pages, add a banner or pop up, or change background colors or images, please reach out to support@wodify.com with your request and the Wodify Sites team can assist.
In this article, we will cover:
- Accessing the Site Editor
- Navigating the Site Editor
- Editing Business Info
- Editing Static Pages
- Adding/Editing Collection Items
- Adding New Media
- Other Edits
Accessing the Site Editor
The Wodify website editor is accessed directly from Wodify Core. Follow the instructions below to navigate to the site editor:
- Log into Wodify Core using your admin credentials.
Note: Only Wodify Core admins have access to edit Wodify Sites.
- In the menu on the left side of the window, click on Digital Presence, then Website.
- Click the purple Open Website Editor button on the screen that appears.
Please contact Wodify support if your website is live and you cannot see this button.
- You will be directed to a new tab with a page labeled Site Overview. You can manage general SEO settings and blog posts directly from this screen. Click the purple Edit button to open the site editor.
Note: Only Wodify Core admins have access to edit Wodify Sites.
Navigating the Site Editor
There are a few types of pages built into your Wodify site, including static pages, dynamic pages, and blog posts. Each type of page is edited through a different method in the site editor. Read the definitions below to learn more about each type of page and where to find them.
Static pages are defined as one-of-a-kind pages on your website. This includes your homepage, contact page, schedule page, and any other unique landing page on your website.
To navigate to a static page, simply click on the page from the website navigation bar or click on the page menu in the top gray navigation bar next to the logo and select the page you want to see. Static pages are labeled based on the page title.
Collections & Dynamic Pages are defined as templated pages for a category of content with multiple items, including programs, coach bios, success stories, athletes of the month, schedules, etc. Dynamic page content is managed from Collections in the site editor.
To navigate to a Collection, click Content in the left panel, then Collections. Collections are labeled according to the type of content they house. To expand an item, hover over the item name and click the expansion icon on the left.
To view the dynamic page itself, click on the page menu in the top gray navigation bar and select the corresponding dynamic page, labeled based on the collection name + dynamic (i.e. Single Program Dynamic). The dynamic page will appear on the screen, showing content from the first item in the collection.
To view other items in the collection on the dynamic page, click on the page menu in the gray navigation bar and click on the item you want to see.
Blog Posts are contained within their own section in the website. To navigate to the blog, click on Blog in the left panel. You can click into specific blog posts to edit them or create new posts from this window.
Previewing an Edit: Click Preview in the gray navigation bar at the top of the screen. From the navigation bar at the top of the screen, you may select the desktop, tablet, or mobile icons to view the page on different device screens. You can get back to the site editor by clicking Back to Editor in the gray navigation bar.
Undo & Redo: To undo a change you just made, click on the arrow pointing backwards in the top navigation bar. To redo a change, click on the arrow pointing forward. When either of the arrows are clicked, the page will reload with the last change made.
Saving Changes: Changes are saved automatically in the site editor. To make your changes appear on the live website, click Republish in the gray navigation bar at the top of the site editor.
Editing Business Info
To edit your business name, logo, address, phone number, social media links, or business hours, click Content then Business Info.
If you make any changes to your business information, scroll back to the top of the Business Info window and click Update Schema. This will update the information Google has indexed for your business on search results.
Editing Static Pages
To edit a static page (one-of-a-kind landing page), select the page you want to edit from the dropdown page menu in the top navigation bar next to the Wodify logo. You can change any existing copy, buttons, forms, etc. by clicking on the content you want to edit.
Text: You have access to edit any existing text block on the site. To edit, simply click on the text widget you want to edit and make your changes. You may edit the text format, color, and hyperlinks from the gray text editor bar.
Buttons: To edit a button, click on the button you want to make changes to. You may change the text on the button in the Text on button field at the top of the editor window.
You may also change where the button leads. If you want the button to go to another static page on the site, click Existing site page in the editor window and select the page you want it to lead to.
You may also select a dynamic page by clicking Dynamic Page (includes programs, success stories, coach bios, etc.). To link to a dynamic page, select the collection first, then the item in the collection.
If you want a button to lead to a specific page in your Online Sales Portal or another website, copy the URL you want to link to, select Web address from the button editor window, and paste the URL into the field.
You may also link buttons to specific blog posts, email addresses, phone numbers (Click to call), and file downloads.
Images: There are 2 types of images on static pages - image widgets and background images. If an editor window appears when you click on the image, it is an image widget. From the editor window, you may Replace the image with a different image in the media library, Edit the existing image (crop, scale, etc.), add or edit the link, and add or edit alt text.
If you click on an image and nothing happens, it is a background image. Background images can be edited from the Business Images section. To edit, click on Content, then Business Images under Connected Data (CMS).
Scroll to the business image with the label that corresponds to the location of the image you want to change (homepage_hero, footer, form, etc.), then click Replace. From the media window, you may either select an image already in your media library or upload a new one by clicking + Upload Images.
Note: Your site may not have this setup depending on when it was built. If you’d like to update your site with this setup, please contact support@wodify.com.
SEO Settings: To edit the SEO title or SEO description for a static page (what appears in search engine results), click SEO Settings from the left panel, then SEO. In the Page-level SEO section, click Manage Pages.
Click through the arrows next to the page title at the top of the SEO editor to navigate between pages. SEO settings are determined by the Page meta title and Page meta description fields.
Adding/Editing Collection Items
All content for dynamic pages and dynamic items (such as connected program grids on the homepage, coach grids on the coaches page, etc.) is controlled from Collections. Any changes made to items in collections will automatically carry over to all connected pages and widgets.
To edit an item in a collection, click on Content from the left side menu in the site editor, then Collections. Select the collection that corresponds to the item you want to add/edit. From here, you can edit items directly from the table or expand them into an editor window. To expand an item, hover over the Item field and click on the arrows icon that appears.
To add a new item, click + at the bottom of the table and fill out the necessary fields (based on other items in the collection). Adding a new item will automatically create a new dynamic page and related items. You can also hide items from your site by clicking on the eyeball icon.
Note: Your website may not include every collection. If you’d like to add a collection, please contact support@wodify.com. For more information and tips about collections and the fields within each collection, see below:
- The permalink of the program page (www.domain.com/programs/program-name) is determined by the Item field.
- You can look at a program page on your live website on another tab to see where each field is located on the page as you edit or add to the collection.
- The Primary Button Text and Primary Link fields determine the behavior of the first button on the header of the page.
- Some widgets like the second button in the header and the contact form are edited on the dynamic page itself (not controlled by any fields in the collection).
- The SEO Title and SEO Description field determine what will appear in search engine results.
- The schedule on program pages is determined by the Program Schedule collection.
- Appointments are very similar to programs with one key difference: appointments do not have a set schedule (booked by appointment only)
- Not all websites include an Appointments collection.
Program Schedule
- There must be a separate record for each class offered.
- To select the days of the week you want the class to show, simply put an “x” in the corresponding day of the week field.
- This collection only affects the schedule widgets on your site.
- To associate a class with a specific program (and make it show up on the corresponding program page), the Program field must match the program name exactly as shown in the Programs collection.
- This collection is used for bio pages and team grid.
- The permalink of the bio page (www.domain.com/programs/employee-name) is determined by the Item field.
- The SEO Title and SEO Description field determine what will appear in search engine results.
- Button text only affects the button that appears on the grid, not the page itself.
Program Categories
- This collection will only be used if your programs are organized into multiple categories.
- Each item in this collection will affect individual category pages, and be used as a filter.
- This collection will only be used if your site features multiple locations.
- Each item in this collection will affect individual location pages, and be used as a filter.
Other Collections
You may have other collections on your site such as success stories, events, athlete of the month, etc. Please reach out to support@wodify.com if you need assistance editing or adding additional collections to your website.
Adding New Media
To add new images, files, or videos to your site’s media library, click Content, then Media Manager. Then, click + Upload Images at the top of the window to add new media.
To view the media currently on your website, click Uploaded under the Site Images section on the left side of the window. You can also add media in the same window directly from image widgets or the Business Images library.
Other Edits
For specialized assistance with website changes like navigation adjustments, adding/removing sections, static pages, banners, pop-ups, or design tweaks, email your request to support@wodify.com. The Wodify Sites team is here to help!