Offering a Gender Neutral Experience

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Wodify is proud to provide our businesses the option to offer clients a gender-neutral client experience! Using this feature will allow a client to change their gender details and includes options such as Non-Binary/prefer not to specify! This feature will also display various parts of Wodify in a non-gendered view. This experience was created with help of our friends at OUTWOD


In this article, we will cover:


Enabling the Gender-Neutral View 

You can turn on your business's gender-neutral view at any time. 

To enable this view:

  1. Go to Account > Global Settings
  2. Enable the toggle for Gender Neutral Experience and select Non-gendered if you wish to have your leaderboard/whiteboard default to a non-gendered view
  3. Click Save


Sections with the Gender-Neutral View

Here are the places in Wodify that can be displayed with a non-gendered view:

  1. Coachboard
  2. Leaderboard
  3. Whiteboard - Kiosk
  4. Whiteboard - Client Mobile app

Below is an example from the Coachboard of a non-gendered view, in which all clients are displayed together. 



Client Profile 

Once a gender-neutral experience is turned on, your clients will be able to log into their accounts and change their gender details.  

  1. Log into the Wodify Desktop app and go to My Profile
  2. Select Other Info
  3. From the Gender Dropdown check, I prefer not to specify 



If you need any additional assistance with offering a gender-neutral experience, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).



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