HybridAF + Wodify Integration

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Using Zapier, Wodify now offers an integration with HybridAF that can help save time managing two different softwares! You will utilize client tags in Wodify to add or remove a client from your HybridAF list. With both systems synced together, you'll no longer need to switch between the two to keep your business access list accurate. Just make your up-to-date in Wodify and let the integration do the rest!


Note: This integration is powered by Zapier, so you will need to create an account with them if you do not already have one. The free Zapier subscription (starter package) includes 100 free Zaps per month which should be sufficient for most businesses. If you are already using Zapier and use a large number of Zaps this is something to keep in mind.

PRO TIP!  Hybrid AF support is happy to enable this integration for you. Please reach out to support@hybridaf.com directly for assistance.



In this article, we will cover:


Creating the HybridAF Zap


Note: Before setting up your Zap, you will need to accept the HybridAF app: Click here to accept  [**Please note you will not be able to complete this setup unless you have taken this step**]

Actions Supported

  • Add tag = Add to HybridAF as "active"
  • Remove tag = Move client from "active" to "archived" in HybridAF

Setting up the Trigger

  1. Click Zaps then Make a New Zap
  2. Choose Wodify Core as your trigger app
  3. Select Wodify Core Trigger Tag Changed on Client
    • You will have to click Show Less Common Options to find this 
    • Save and Continue
  4. Connect an account
    • You will need to create an API key in your Wodify environment. Click here if you need assistance doing this
    • Once named and created, copy the value and paste it into the Zapier window
    • Save and Continue
  5. Setup Wodify Core Client Tag as Both
    • Save and Continue
    • Click Test Trigger

Setting up the Action

  1. Click Action/Search
  2. Select HybridAF as your action app
    • If you do not see HybridAF as an option, please click the accept link above
  3. Set your HybridAF action as Manage Members - Wodify
    • Save and Continue
  4. Connect an account
    • Enter your HybridAF username and password
    • Continue
  5. Set up HybridAF Manage Members - Wodify
    • Please match the following information exactly as shown
    • Make sure you are clicking the button to the right-hand side of the text field - do not type these in manually
      • Admin Email = Your HybridAF email (type this in)
      • User Email = [Step 1: Email]
      • User First Name = [Step 1: First Name]
      • User Last Name = [Step 1: Last Name]
      • User Cell Phone = [Step 1: Mobile Phone]
      • Wodify Tag = [Step 1: Client Tag]
      • User Access Flag = [Step 1: Event]


Once this is complete, you can skip the test, finish the Zap and enable it! Everything is all set up and you are ready to test your new integration 💪


Testing the Integration

To make sure everything is working properly, go to a client profile in your Wodify environment and add the tag "HybridAF"

If the client whose profile you selected is not yet active in your HybridAF account, they will now be active! If you remove this tag from the profile they will be moved to archived in your HybridAF account.


Using your new HybridAF/Wodify integration, you can manage which of your clients has 24/7 access to your business directly from your Wodify Core account!


NOTE: This integration will not track client attendance or honor Membership Enforcement (blocking clients from signing in with no active membership). If a client should not have access to the business be sure to remove the HybridAF tag entirely. 


If you need any additional assistance with the HybridAF Integration, feel free to reach out to us at support@wodify.com or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).


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