New! 🚀
- Free Rise Challenges - We have temporarily made Wodify Rise challenge software FREE to use for any organizer, even for paid challenges! Gym owners can use Rise to keep their communities engaged remotely and even generate some additional revenue through online challenges.
- Free NCFIT programming - NC30 AT-HOME is one of the TWO at-home programs offered by the NCFIT Collective. This free program will provide every Wodify customer with curated, customizable, and FREE at-home 30 minute daily workouts. These can be automatically integrated with your Wodify account, to save you hours of time spent programming. Book a Call to get set up with this free programming today!
- New Help Documents specific to running a gym during the COVID pandemic
Bug Fixes 🐜
- Athlete App
- Suspended athletes can't view WODs, performance history, or add performance in the athlete app
- Multiple links can be included in Announcements
- Youtube links will work with any URL format in the athlete app
- Classes
- Recurring classes set to end at 12:00am won’t create a duplicate class on the calendar
- Athletes on the priority waitlist will get an email if they are unable to be added to the class due to not having enough sessions on their membership
- There will be a warning when attempting to change the attendance limit of a class that already has reservations
- Financial/Retail
- PDF, JPG and PNG files can all be uploaded as evidence for chargebacks
- The display issue that caused past payouts that have already been paid to appear as Scheduled has been resolved
- Store Credit will be removed from an athlete's balance as expected when the invoice is refunded using the 'Refund Money” button
- Retail inventory will update when a retail invoice is voided
- Product inventory will be correct in the Available Inventory section within the line item of an invoice
- Logging into goes directly to the Coachboard
- Drop-Ins will receive follow-up emails when enabled
- The Lost Members report will no longer show duplicate records for scheduled deactivations
- Documents can be downloaded from athlete profiles on any browser
Coming soon…
- Wodify Payments for Australia, Canada, and New Zealand
- Athlete App and Classes Improvements
- Insights Improvements - including enhanced filtering options for more customized reporting