What's New: October 16th, 2020


New! 🚀

  • New and Improved Insights! - We have just launched an updated version of Insights to provide you with easy access to all of the information that you need to know about your business. Check out this article for more information about these new dashboards!





Bug Fixes 🐜

  • Classes
    • Class Calendar bug fixes for reserving, signing in, and canceling reservations/sign-ins
  • Communication
    • 'Class is Auto-Cancelled' automated email will only be sent to the intended recipients
    • Online Sales Portal link will display correctly in email to athletes who need to purchase more classes
  • Financial
    • Ezidebit direct debate mandate link has been corrected in the mandate email so athletes can easily sign their direct debit mandates (Australia/New Zealand only)
  • Kiosk
    • Bug fix when cancelling reservations from the Coachboard so an error message will no longer appear when the cancellation was successful
  • People
    • Validation for email addresses accidentally entered with two periods



Coming soon… 

  • Rebuilt and redesigned Client App for all of your athletes
  • Continued bug fixes
  • Additional Insights Improvements for more customized reporting


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