Building and Editing Workouts

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Once you have set up your Workout template and added basic details (see Creating a New Workout), you will need to add the specifics of your workout. This article will walk you through adding Sections and Components to your Workout. 


Workout Editor 

The Workout Editor allows you to easily create your Workouts by dragging Exercises, Section Headers, Images, and Videos directly into the builder. After it has been completed, you will even be able to Preview how your Clients can see the workout in the Wodify App. 

Adding Sections

These will break up the Workout into different Sections to help divide out your components. 

  1. To add your own customizable Section Header, click the box Section Header then drag it to Workout on the Right 
  2. Then you add the name under Section Header Text and any comments you wish your Clients to view > Hit Save after entering the info2022-07-19_11-43-58__1_.gif

Adding Components

Over the left side of the Workout Editor, you will see a Library of Components that you can drag into the Workout. These will default to a list of your most used Components based on the Program you are currently creating a Workout for.

  1. You can click on the box of your Components and then drag them to the Workout 
  2. Here you can enter the Prefix, Rep Schemes, One-Time Comments, and Scoring 2022-07-19_11-43-58__2_.gif
  3. After adding the details of the Component, hit Save > then move on to the next Component
    • You are able to drag the different Components to rearrange them in the Workout after each one is placed

You can also add a 1-Time Exercise to the Workout by dragging it onto the builder. It will default to the name that you set in your Perfrom > Settings. 

  • You are able to customize it like a regular component, it will just not save for future workouts. 



At any point when building your Workout, you can select Preview to view how your Client will see the Workout in their Wodify App.




More Information:

TIP: Wodify Blueprint Course - Getting Started with Wodify Perform

If you need any additional assistance with Building and Editing a Workout, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).


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