Emailing Waivers

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After you have set up your waiver within Wodify, the next step is to understand how to send a waiver out to your clients.


In this article, we will cover:


Locating the Globe Icon

Locating the Globe Icon on both Wodify Admin (Core) and Clipboard Icon on the Kiosk is going to make sending Waivers a whole lot easier. In this first section, we will be locating the Globe Icon

Globe Icon within Wodify Admin: 

The Globe Icon for Wodify Admin is located on the bottom left corner of your screen, next to your Profile Icon. Once you click into the globe icon the waiver widget will appear or you can use Shift + W to open up a waiver.

Clipboard Icon on the Kiosk

This Clipboard Icon on the Kiosk is located on the top right corner of the screen



Sending a Waiver to a Lead or Non-Client

  1. Select the Globe Icon (If you need assistance locating this Icon, please refer to the previous section)
  2. Select Waiver from the list or use Shift + W
  3. Select Send A Waiver 
  4. Select the Waiver you would like to send
  5. Select Not a Member?
  6. Enter the Clients email address and enable whether or not you would to create a Lead in the system. With this setting on, a lead profile is created when the client submits the waiver.
    • If you do not create them as a Lead now, you can always convert them to a Lead later. For steps on how to do this check out Managing Waivers. 
  7. Select Send

Sending a Waiver to an Existing Client

  1. Select the Clipboard Icon
  2. Select Send a Wavier
  3. Select the Waiver you would like to send
  4. Select a Client
  5. Select Send

Sending Unsigned Waivers in Bulk

You have the ability to mass send out Waivers that have not been signed by Clients and/or Leads. 

  1. Click Digital Presence > Documents
  2. Next to the Waiver Template Name select the three dots > Send Waiver > Bulk send this waiver sendwaivers.jpgbulk.jpg
  3. There you can select to send to Clients or Leads that have not signed the selected Waiver > then Send  
    • When selecting Clients it will send to those who have access to the Programs or Services that the unsigned waiver applies
    • When choosing Leads it will send it to those in the New, Contacted, and Free Trial statuses that have not signed the waiver sendleads.jpg

Locating and Using the Public Waiver Link

If you're having an event and you'd like to send an email or create a link on your website to a blank waiver document, you can copy the Public Waiver Link.

  1. In Wodify Admin, go to Digital Presence > Documents
  2. Select the Copy Link icon

IMPORTANT: Using the Public Waiver Link is the ONLY link that can be shared with multiple people. If a Waiver link is sent that is assigned to a specific email, the profile associated with that email will be overwritten.



More Information:

TIP: Wodify Blueprint Course - Protect your business with contracts and waivers

If you need any additional assistance with Emailing Waivers, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).


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