What's New: February 5th, 2021


New! 🚀

  • Membership Hold Filter added to People > Athletes list - We've added a membership hold filter to the People > Athletes list so that you can easily grab a list of all of your athletes with membership holds or a list of all athletes who aren't on hold. mceclip0.png


  • New Revenue Information Added to Insights Data Tables - We've added some additional columns to the data tables on the Memberships and Retail dashboards to provide additional revenue information. We've added Gross Revenue, Tax, and Discounts. Check our reporting help center to learn more about Insights. mceclip2.png


  • WOD Marketplace Sync Now Occurs Nightly - Our WOD Marketplace offers easy access to ready made WODs so that you can spend less time programming and more time coaching. We've updated our system so that WODs will now be synced to your Wodify account every night. You now get access to your WODs as soon as they are ready to go. This means more prep time for coaches and more time to make any adjustments. Not subscribing to one of our WOD Marketplace partners yet? Learn more about our WOD Marketplace partners here. mceclip3.png


Bug Fixes 🐜

  • Communication
    • Scheduled Conversations emails can now be discarded
  • Documents
    • The waiver list will now show up as expected on iPhone
    • Help question mark widget will no longer block terms checkbox on iPhones when signing a waiver
  • Financial 
    • The sender of emailed invoices will now be pulled from your location email
    • Display issue for the number of credit card types enabled on the Allowed Payment Methods screen has been corrected
  • Online Sales Portal
    • Email address on the confirmation page after purchasing a membership on Sales Portal will now be pulled from your location email address
  • Retail
    • Shopify integration bug fixes
    • Variant values can now be added to products with multiple variants
  • Rise
    • Participants will now be able to go back to the task list after viewing the task guide for simple tasks with variable point scales



Coming soon… 

  • Rebuilt and redesigned Client App for all of your members
  • Continued bug fixes
  • Additional Insights Improvements for more customized reporting


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