Process Payroll

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Wodify has two categories for Payroll pay periods; Open and Processed. This allows you to track which pay periods you have already cut checks for (Processed), and which ones still need to be attended to (Open). This article will walk you through how to process payroll for a specific pay period as well as how to edit a pay period that's already been processed!

Note: It's not possible to cut a Payroll check for your employees through Wodify. Processing Payroll in Wodify is just for your reference, to track which pay periods you have manually marked as processed


In this article, we'll cover:


Processing Payroll for a Pay Period

  1. Go to Financial > Process Payroll in Wodify Admin
  2. Under Open Payroll, choose your location and pay period
  3. Click the Process Payroll button in the top right corner to process this pay period


Once you've processed a payroll period, you can find and review it at any time under the Processed Payroll tab at the top of this page

Note: You can not process an open pay period until that period has fully passed. If the pay period ends on a future date, you will not be able to process it yet.


Editing a Pay Period That's Already Been Processed

  1. Go to Financial > Process Payroll in Wodify Admin
  2. Click into the Processed Payroll tab at the top of the page
  3. Click on the date range of the pay period you want to edit
    • This will allow you to review any existing Payroll info about this pay period
  4. Click the Re-Open button in the top right corner
  5. Make any changes to classes or hours that you need to
  6. Click Process Payroll in the top right corner once you've finished your edits
    • If you navigate away before clicking Process Payroll, you will find this pay period under Open Payroll


If you need any additional assistance with Processing Payroll, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).


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