New! 🚀
Core Updates
- Weather for Workouts: We added a weather widget in the Workouts tab to help businesses (especially those with outside areas) to better plan for exercises, spacing, equipment use, etc.
- Cancel Sign-ins in the Simple Sign-in Kiosk: Users are now able to cancel sign-ins via our Simple Sign-in Kiosk. When a client is signed in, it will show an “X” next to their name. When the X is clicked, it will cancel their sign-in. This will also be available for coaches.
Gender Neutral Lead Form: We’ve also added a gender-neutral setting to the New Lead form. Instead of just Male or Female, we now have an option to select Non-binary or Prefer not to specify.
Mobile App Updates
Animated Gif Support: Users are now able to attach animated gifs to their workouts, which their clients will be able to see in the Wodify Mobile app. This is great for clients to see movement demos before they step into the gym or even review them after they leave.