Using Employee View


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Employee View is now available in the Wodify mobile app! This new tool will help to improve client engagement and retention by giving employees the ability to sign in clients, view individual PRs, and more from their phones.

In this article we will cover:

How to Access Employee View

You will need to have Coach Permissions enabled and have the Wodify Mobile App downloaded to your device.

Download links below:

Once you have the App downloaded, you can easily switch between Client view and Employee view at the top of the screen by clicking either the Employee View or Client View buttons.

On the Home tab, if you are assigned to any Appointments or Classes for the current day they will display there. 

  • Click Sign in as Coach or Provider to sign in for each one


You can select the Name of the Class or Appointment to pull the details up for your daily schedule. 

  • You can see into all the Classes by choosing Schedule > then selecting the Date, Time, and Program of the Class to view Classes for future dates
  • To access all Appointments that you are assigned to as a Provider choose the Schedule tab then at the top choose the Appointments to select the Date and Location, if applicable

Locating the Client Profile

To view the information about the Client simply click into the Class or Appointment > then Choose a Client’s name from the Attendees List. There you will see the following details:

  • How long they have been a Client or Lead
  • Tags: You can click Edit to remove and add any additional tags > then Save
  • Documents: If they have an unsigned document, you can click Email to Client so they can sign
  • Notes: You can enter any additional Notes by clicking into Add Notes.
    • Tip: That’s a great spot to enter any Training Notes for the specific Client so that you can review the info when they come to Class or their Appointment!



If the Client has an Appointment or Class coming up, you will have the ability to Sign in them on their profile, or even cancel their sign-in if needed! 

Navigating Appointments

Select the Appointment either on the Home tab or the Schedule tab, to check into your upcoming Session. You will be able to see the Service, Time, Date, Location, and No Show/Late Cancellation Policies

You will also be able to Sign in yourself and the Client:

  1. Next to your Name click Sign in as Provider
  2. Under Attendees, you will see the list of those who are coming to the Appointment, then  needed next to their name click Sign In 


Managing Classes 

To look into the details of the Class that you are teaching, click on the name of the Class either on the Home or Schedule tab. There you will see the Class Name, Date, Time, Location, No Show/Late Cancellation Policies, and Attendees

In the Attendees List, you can click Sort to view clients either Alphabetically or by Priority > Apply Sort

  • Priority Sorting will display your clients based on Member Since Date with the newest showing at the top. Any Free Trials and Drop-ins (in that order) will always appear at the beginning of the list.
  • Class Detail Sorting: Your staff can now sort by both age and level (Progressions) in Employee View
    • For clients 18 and under, the age will always populate next to their name
    • This information is only visible to Coaches, Managers, and Admins



Anyone that has Reserved or Signed into Class will be listed as an Attendee. If you need to add anyone to the Class, you can click Add Client to automatically Sign them In. If a Client Cancels or isn’t signed in then they will list as a Late Cancel or No Show based on the business policies. 

  • If a Client canceled their reservation in error and still shows up for Class, you can simply click the Name > then select Re-Reserve to add them back to the Class
  • Click the arrow in the top left to head back to the Class > Choose Sign-In to count them for the Class 


Running and Scoring Workouts

Please Note: In order to access the Workouts Section of the Wodify Mobile App, you will need to have access to Wodify Perform. Check out this article for more info on Wodify Perform

In the Class click > Go to Workout to view the Workout details for the selected Class.


  • To see the scores associated with that Workout click View the Leaderboard.
  • Under the name of the Workout click Coaching Notes to see any information about the Workout that is specific to just Coaches that were added when the Workout was created. 

In order to view past results and add Results for your Clients select the scoring Component >  Results



Next to the name of the Client tap the plus button + to enter their score in!

Optional steps

  1. Upload an image or video to post on the Leaderboard by selecting Attach Image/Video
  2. Click into Notes to add a public comment that will post directly to the Leaderboard along with their score

To look at the Performance History for the Component, next to the Client's Name click on the Line Graph Icon

  • This will display the Clients Results from previous Workouts as well as any 1-Rep Maxes
  • To toggle between any Clients scroll to the bottom of the page > Under Performance History click the drop-down arrow to select another Client


The 1-Rep Max Slider can be used to easily calculate your Client's 1-Rep Max percentages based on their previous Performance History. 

  1. In the Workout click Results for the Component 
  2. On the bottom of the screen select Percent to open the 1-Rep Max Slider
  3. Drag the Slider up or down to automatically calculate 1-Rep Maxes for the listed Clients based on the Percent Selected 



'Mark All Complete' Action

The 'Mark all complete' function within Employee View gives coaches the ability to add performance in bulk for any component that is scored with a checkmark. Every class participant can be checked off in one click, after completing a new movement or technique.

  1. In the Employee View, go to the Workout page
  2. Click Results for the Component with checkmark scoring
  3. Navigate to the floating Mark all complete button at the bottom of the screen
  4. Click the button and all signed-in clients will be checked automatically for this specific component


If you need any additional assistance with Employee View, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Grow & Promote only).




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