Using Wodify Retain


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Introduction - Wodify Retain is the fitness industry’s first machine-learning tool that identifies at-risk clients and helps you take action before it’s too late. Using millions of data points across thousands of businesses, Retain’s algorithm uses attendance and other client data to predict which of your clients are likely to cancel their membership and surfaces information to you, so you can prevent churn and increase your revenue.


*Wodify Retain is currently available for all plans from our temporary new release availability, pricing and availability are subject to change. 


In this article, we will cover:


Navigating Wodify Retain


  1. Name: Click on a client's name to access their profile
  2. Phone: Click on a client's number to call them (mobile). This is also available on a desktop if you have a desktop dialer. 
  3. Email: Click on the email icon to send the client an email. You can edit the body text of this email.
  4. Last Contacted: The date the client was last contacted via Wodify Retain.
  5. AYR: Average Yearly Revenue; how much revenue does this client provide to your business per year on average 
  6. Days Since Last Attendance: When this client last attended a class or an appointment
  7. 90-Day Attendance Count: The number of classes and appointments attended by the client in the last 90 days
  8. Log Contact: Log a reach out to a client, including the date you contacted them (will update the Last Contacted Date field), the type of outreach (Call, Meeting, Email, Other), and a description of the outreach
  9. Eye Icon: Click the eye icon to see more details about the client, your recent outreach to them, and their recent attendance 
  10.  . . . (3 Dots) Icon: Click the three dots icon to snooze a client from the Retain list for a set time period or forever or completely deactivate the client 


Actions and Pop-ups

Email: You can send a customized email straight to your client from Wodify. We even provide a baseline template that you can edit to suit the specific situation.mceclip1.png


Log Contact: You can log an interaction's date, type, and description. mceclip2.png


Snooze for Set Time Period: If you don't think this person belongs on your Retain list you have the ability to snooze them. For example, if you know a member is on vacation for two weeks, you can snooze them until they're back. After the snooze period is over, they will then appear on the list again so you can remember to send them a message. 



Snooze Forever: You can also snooze a client forever and they will not appear on Retain list for good. For example, if you have clients who have a sporadic or uneven workout schedule, you can snooze them forever so you know they won't appear back on the Retain list. 


More Details: Review a client's most commonly attended class, the coach they often book in with, their recent attendances, and recent outreach. 



Deactivate:  Deactivate clients who are no longer a part of your community, but are still appearing on the Retain list due to their active status. Please note that you can not deactivate a client with outstanding invoices.




Retain Settings & Customization 

Settings for Retain can be accessed from People > Settings > Retain Settings


Risk Level Adjustment

Allows the user to decide how many at-risk users they would like to see. (higher = more clients)

Snooze Settings

Users can default a Retain snooze time here plus disable “snooze forever” if they do not wish for the functionality to be available.

Custom Templates

The tenants can now add their own Retain-specific email templates and decide which template to have as default in the Retain email modal.


Keeping Your Client List Clean

Following these best practices will ensure that your Retain client data and list are as accurate as possible:

  1. All members who never come to your business but still have an active status must be moved to the deactivated status. 
  2. All members who come to class must sign into class. 
  3. All performance results must be logged in the Wodify system.
  4. All members who attend an appointment (PT, nutrition check-in, etc.) must be signed into the appointment.
  5. All appointment packages must be sold as appointments, not as retail items.
  6. All coaches must sign in for classes that they teach, even last-minute changes. 
  7. Avoid assigning member-since dates that are in the future.
  8. Clients in the on-ramp phase will be included in retain.

If you need any additional assistance with Wodify Retain, feel free to reach out to us at 



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