Resetting Your Password



Forgot your password? No worries! Luckily, your password is easy to reset!


To Reset Your Password:

  1. Visit, or the Wodify mobile App.
  2.  Below the sign-in form, click Forgot password?
  3.  On the next page, enter your email address.
    Make sure it's the one you used to sign up for Wodify!
  4.  Click Reset Password. 
  5.  Check your email inbox for a new message from Wodify (approx 3 mins).2021-03-01_14-36-29.png
  6. In the password reset email, click Set a New Password.
    Enter your new password, then select 
    Confirm New Password.
  7. You are now able to log into your account with your new credentials


If you need any additional assistance with Resetting Your Password, feel free to reach out to us at


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