Automated Emails

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Wodify includes automated emails in our Communication Tools to help make communicating with your clients about classes, appointments, payments, and more a breeze. 


In this article, we will cover:


Types of Automated Emails (Communication) 

Most automated emails will be found by going to Communication > Automated Emails. 

Category  Email Template Name Description When is the email sent to a client?

Anniversary Email Congratulatory time-based emails based on X months since your client's start date in their profile. Can be customized to send out on 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, and 36 month anniversaries. 6 am Local Time 
Anonymous Payments - Payment Success Send a 'payment success' notification email to an anonymous purchaser.  Send after each successful payment
Anonymous Payments - Refund Success Send a 'refund success' notification email to an anonymous purchaser. Send after each successful refund
Anonymous Payments - Void Success Send a 'void success' notification email to an anonymous purchaser. Send after each successful void
Client Payments - Payment Success Send a 'payment success' notification email to a client. Send after each successful payment
Client Payments - Refund Success Send a 'refund success' notification email to a client Send after each successful refund
Client Payments - Void Success Send a 'void success' notification email to a client. Send after each successful void
Bank Account Unverified  Notify clients when their bank account requires verification. This email will be sent only when bank accounts are an allowed payment method. Immediately, 3 weekdays, and/or
8 weekdays after adding a payment method
Birthday Email Annual Happy Birthday wishes based on the birthdate your client has on file in their profile. 6 am Local Time 
Credit Card Expiring  Alert clients with expiring cards to update their payment method Send 4 weeks before expiration and/or
repeat every week until the card is updated
Emergency Contact Information  Request your clients to provide Emergency Contact info not yet provided Send every week until all emergency contact information provided
Failed Payments: Unpaid Invoice  Notify clients of failed transactions Send after each failed transaction
Failed Payments: Reopened Invoice  Notify clients that their invoice has been reopened due to a failed payment. Send after each failed transaction
Lead Created from Web Form  This is an email notification sent to a lead immediately after they complete your online lead web form Send immediately after web lead is created.
Clients paying by Cash/Check  Notification sent to clients that pay their membership by cash or check On the due date and every day thereafter until paid; and/or on X days before the due date
Membership Intro Email Sent when clients purchase a specific membership or class pack When they purchase a membership set up in this template
Membership Renewal Reminder Notify clients that their membership is set to auto-renew X days prior to membership renewal

Payment Information Missing

Remind clients to add a payment method. Can be customized to not send to Admins, Managers, or Coaches Send every 7 days

Refer-a-Friend Alert clients when they refer a new lead to your business Send when a Lead is updated with a referring client
Suspend Lifted Notice to Client Alert a client that their suspension has been lifted and they have access again Send to a client when they are reinstated
Suspend Lifted Notice to Staff Alert your team when a client has their suspension lifted and the client has access again Send to all Admins,
Send to all Managers, and/or
Send to Coaches
Suspend  Notice to Client Alert a client that they have been suspended Send to a client when they are suspended
Suspend  Notice to Staff Alert your team when a client has been suspended Send to all Admins,
Send to all Managers, and/or
Send to Coaches
Welcome to Wodify Email  Introductory email to new clients

A new client account is created


Class has been Reinstated  Notify all Admins, Managers and Coaches tied to a cancelled class that the class is back on the schedule. Send to all Admins,
Send to all Managers, and/or
Send to Coaches
Class is Auto-Cancelled A class can optionally be auto-cancelled if the class has no reservations at the time the class cancellation window closes for the given class. This email alerts all Admins, Managers, and Coaches tied to the class that the class is cancelled. You must accept reservations for classes and optionally enable this feature to use this email template. Send to all Admins,
Send to all Managers, and/or
Send to Coaches
Class is Manually Cancelled (Staff) A class may be manually cancelled. This email alerts all Admins, Managers, and Coaches tied to the class that the class is cancelled. Send to all Admins,
Send to all Managers, and/or
Send to Coaches
Recurring Class is Manually Cancelled (Staff) A recurring class may be manually cancelled. This email alerts all Admins, Managers, and Coaches tied to the class that the class is cancelled. Send to all Admins,
Send to all Managers, and/or
Send to Coaches
Drop-In Setup your email templates that will be sent to the prospective client when they purchase a Drop-In and after they attend class.  When a client signs up and attends a drop-in class
Free Trial Setup your email templates that will be sent to the prospective client when they purchase a Free Trial and after they attend class.  When a client schedules, attends, no shows, or the free trial expires
Membership Expiring (Plans) Give your clients a heads up that their class plan is about to expire 1, 2, 3, and/or 7 day(s)
prior to expiration
Membership Expiring (Packs) Give your clients a heads up that their class pack is about to expire. Not sent if the client has other class packs or auto-renewing plans. 1 pack remaining
Missing Client 

Reach out to active clients that have not signed in to class over a certain period of time. Admins, Managers, Coaches, Inactive Clients, and Clients on Hold will never be sent this email.

Clients without an active membership can be included or not included. 

Clients with class packs can be included or not included. 

X days without attending a class
New Client Follow-Up Check-in with new clients After x days/visits
New On-Ramp Follow Up Check-in with new clients After x days/visits
Pack Renewal Notice to Client Alert your client that the final punch on his or her class pack scheduled to renew has been used and a new class pack was created Send when the membership is auto-renewed
Class Pack Renewed Notice to Staff Alert your staff that the final punch on a client's class pack scheduled to renew has been used and a new class pack was created Send to all Admins,
Send to all Managers, and/or
Send to Coaches


Appointment Created - Send to Provider  Notify providers of a new appointment booking A new appointment is booked
Appointment Created - Send to Client  Notify clients of a new appointment booking A new appointment is booked
Appointment Cancelled - Send to Provider Email provider when an appointment is cancelled Appointment is cancelled
Appointment Cancelled - Send to Client Email client when an appointment is cancelled Appointment is cancelled
Appointment Rescheduled - Send to Provider Notify provider of a rescheduled appointment An appointment is rescheduled
Appointment Rescheduled - Send to Client  Notify client of a rescheduled appointment An appointment is rescheduled
Appointment Follow-Up   Send clients a message after attending an appointment After X appointment(s) 
Appointment Late Cancellation  Email clients upon cancelling an appointment after the cancellation deadline Immediately upon late cancel
Appointment No Show Email clients who did not show up for an appointment 48 hours after the appointment ends
Appointment Reminder - Send to Provider Remind provider of a new appointment booking X hours prior to appointment 
Appointment Reminder - Send to Client Remind clients of a new appointment booking X hours prior to appointment 
Free Intro Initial Email  Initial email sent to leads that book a free intro appointment on the Online Sales Portal. A new appointment has been booked on the Online Sales Portal
Membership Expiring - Appointment Pack  Give your clients a heads up that their appointment pack is about to expire 1 session remaining
Provider Change - Send to Client Notify clients and providers when the provider changes on an existing appointment A provider change occurs
Provider Change - Send to New Provider Notify clients and providers when the provider changes on an existing appointment A provider change occurs
Provider Change - Send to Old Provider Notify clients and providers when the provider changes on an existing appointment A provider change occurs

Customizing an Automated Email (Communication)

All automated emails come with preset text but can be customized to meet the needs of your business. 

  1. Go to Communication > Automated Emails 
  2. Select the email you want to customize
  3. Click Edit mceclip1.png
  4. Sending options can be checked/unchecked to meet the needs of your business. Please note if the checkbox is greyed out you will not be able to uncheck it. mceclip2.png
  5. The text and formatting of the email can be changed to meet the needs of your business, including font type and size, bolding, underlining, URLs, and images. Click Advanced Editing to get more advanced editing features. mceclip3.png
  6. Email placeholders can be added to emails, which will pull from information already present in your account. Placeholders can be selected from the Placeholder dropdown. If a placeholder is not in the placeholder dropdown for an email, it will not be able to be included in the email. mceclip4.png
  7. To add an attachment to your email, click Upload, select a file from your device and then click Upload again mceclip5.png
  8. If you wish to remove all edits and reset the email template back to its original Wodify form, click Reset Template. (This action cannot be undone)

  9. Click Save when finished editing 

Disabling an Automated Email (Communication)

Automated Emails can be disabled at any time. 

  1. Go to Communication > Automated Emails
  2. Click Edit next to the email you wish to disable 
  3. Scroll down and turn off the Enabled? toggle 
  4. Click Save mceclip6.png

Other Automated Emails (Outside of the Communication menu)

Wodify also offers automated emails outside of your Communication tab.

  1. Class No Shows & Late Cancellations 
    • Class Late Cancel Emails will send immediately upon a late cancel
    • Class No Show Emails will send approx. 1 hour after the class has ended 
    • You can edit and enable/disable the No-Show and Late Cancellation emails under Classes>Settings
  2. Waivers & Contracts
    • You can find the templates for the emails that are sent when a waiver or contract is emailed to a client, in the Email section of the template for that waiver or contract (under Documents)



More Information:

TIP: Wodify Blueprint Course - Sending Emails to Your Clients

If you need any additional assistance with Automated Emails, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).


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