Shopify is an e-commerce platform that enables your business to sell products online.
Wodify has built an integration that allows Shopify users to sync product inventory between the two services. Wodify customers that want an online retail store on their website should consider using the integration. This article will cover how to set up your Shopify integration, adding new products and more!
In this article, we will cover:
- What is synced between Wodify and Shopify?
- What is my Shopify Default Location?
- How to set up your Shopify Integration
- Adding new products to your Shopify Account
What is synced between Wodify and Shopify?
Wodify to Shopify:
Any product created in Wodify and all of its product details (except Location - Shopify has no concept of Location) will be created in Shopify.
Any edits made to a product in Wodify will sync with Shopify
- Inventory changes made in the Shopify default location in Wodify will sync. Products sold and/or returned from your default Shopify location in Wodify will adjust inventory in Shopify!
Shopify to Wodify:
- Existing Shopify products can be pulled one time to Wodify from Shopify. This one-time sync occurs when the Shopify integration is enabled. All product details, except SEO and Collections data, will sync to Wodify
- Inventory changes due to sales or returns made in Shopify will sync with inventory in Wodify
- Any Shopify products with different values for 'Charge Tax', 'Track Inventory', or 'Allow users to purchase this item, even if it is no longer in stock' will not be pulled to Wodify. For example, if a Shopify product has one variant that charges tax but the other variant does not, the product will NOT sync to Wodify. These products must be manually created in Wodify and reconciled with Shopify.
Note: Sales details are not synced between Wodify and Shopify.
What is my Shopify Default Location?
Shopify does not have the concept of multiple locations. Therefore we can only sync inventory with one Wodify location. Wodify customers with multiple locations must choose the location Shopify will sync inventory. Once a location has been chosen it cannot be changed.
NOTE: A Shopify account can only be linked to one Wodify Environment. If you have more than one Wodify Environment, you will need to have more than one Shopify Account.
How to set up your Shopify Integration:
In Shopify, you will need to Enable and Create a custom app. Use Shopify's Custom apps help doc to walk you through all the necessary steps.
After creating the custom app, you will need to configure API scopes which are the permissions necessary for Wodify and Shopify to communicate.
Please be sure to allow 'Read and Write' for each Permission.
Note: If this is not set up properly, Wodify and Shopify will not be able to communicate as needed. Having one incorrect setting could cause integration issues so please double-check.
Next, you can start your initial Wodify Setup:
- Go to Retail > Settings > Shopify Integration > Connect
- Enter the name of your Shopify Store (if the name includes spaces, replace spaces with hyphens, e.g. my-awesome-store).
Enter your Shopify API Key & Admin Access Token (password field in Wodify).
API keys and Admin Access Token are required for Wodify to communicate with your Shopify store. - Click Next
- Choose the Wodify location used to sync inventory with Shopify (IMPORTANT: This location can not be changed once you enable Shopify)
- For more information refer to What is my Shopify Default Location?
- Enter the default tax rate for each product that requires tax to be charged
- Enter the default Revenue Category
- Click Save
Upon clicking Save, Wodify will pull all Shopify products from your current store into Wodify. Each product's visibility will be 'Hidden' in Wodify by default. Products must be changed to 'Visible' in order to sell them in Wodify POS.
Note: If you have items already added into Wodify that need to be synced into Shopify, then you will need to enable synchronization for each existing product. This is done by:
- Retail > Products > Click on each product to be edited
- Toggle on Connect this product to Shopify
- Click on the Save button
Adding new products to your Shopify Account
Shopify product details are only pushed to Wodify once - upon the initial Shopify integration. After Shopify is integrated any new products must be created in Wodify.
If you wish to sell a product in Wodify but not Shopify, make sure the Create & connect to Shopify checkbox is disabled when you create your product. If the product has already been created, click Disconnect in the Shopify section of the Product Edit screen.
Wodify is the 'system of record' after integrating with Shopify. Any product or inventory adjustments required should be made in Wodify - not Shopify.
NOTE: Be sure that all products in Shopify have a Product Type associated.
More Information:
TIP: Wodify Blueprint Course - Selling In Person with Point of Sale
If you need any additional assistance with Setting Up Your Shopify Integration, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).