Late Cancellation and No Show Settings

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The Late Cancellation and No Show Settings allow you to apply penalties to Clients who take a space in a class and then don't cancel with enough time for another Client to join class, or don't show up to class at all.


In this article, we will cover:


Late Cancellations:

Late Cancellations are reservations that have been canceled within the business-defined Cancellation Window. The Cancellation Window is determined by each business.  Any canceled reservation that occurs within the Cancellation Window is marked as a Late Cancellation.

Example: Sam has a reservation for the 5:00 pm CrossFit class. His facility's Cancellation Window is 1 hour.  Sam cancels his reservation at 4:30 pm on the day of the class.  Since his cancellation occurred 30 minutes before class starts his reservation is marked as a Late Cancellation.

Admins & Managers can set to:

  • Count a Late Cancellation towards a Client's Attendance Limit
  • Automatically charge the Client a Fee

You are able to enforce these settings on both Classes & Appointments, and adjust the settings for each individual Class or Appointment as you see fit.


Late Cancellation for Classes:

Late Cancellation Penalties are triggered two hours after the class has ended:

  • The Invoice for the Late Cancellation Fee (if applicable) will trigger two hours after the class has ended, however, this will not automatically attempt to bill the client until the nightly billing timer at 12:01 AM the following day.
  • You have the ability to trigger an Automated Email regarding this Late Cancellation:

Late Cancellation for Appointments:

Late Cancellation Penalties are triggered at the time of the Late Cancellation:

  • The penalties associated will take effect immediately.
  • The Invoice for the Late Cancellation Fee (if applicable) will trigger immediately, however, this will not automatically attempt to bill the client until the nightly billing timer at 12:01 AM the following day.
  • You have the ability to trigger an Automated Email regarding this Late Cancellation:

No Shows:

A No Show is defined as a client that makes a reservation to a class but does not attend.  Wodify automatically marks a reservation as a no-show if the clients have not signed in to class one hour after it has ended.

Admins & Managers can set to:

  • Count a No Show towards a Client's Attendance Limit
  • Automatically charge the Client a Fee


No Shows for Classes:

No Shows Penalties are triggered two hours after the class has ended.

  • The penalties associated will take effect two hours after the class has ended.
  • The Invoice for the No Show (if applicable) will trigger at the two-hour mark after the class has ended, however, this will not automatically attempt to bill a client until the nightly billing timer at 12:01 AM the following day.
  • You have the ability to trigger an Automated Email regarding this No Show:


No Shows for Appointments:

No Shows Penalties are triggered 48 hours after the Appointment has ended.

  • The penalties associated will take effect 48 hours after the Appointment has ended.
  • The Invoice for the No Show (if applicable) will trigger at the 48-hour mark after the Appointment has ended, however, this will not automatically attempt to bill a client until the nightly billing timer at 12:01 AM the following day.
  • You have the ability to trigger an Automated Email regarding this No Show:

To prevent incorrect No-Shows from triggering, you have the ability to set the Missing Sign-Ins Notification which will notify Admins, Managers, and the Provider of the service by email if a client has not been signed in before the 48-hour window closes.

Verifying Late Cancellation or No Shows on Client Accounts:

Via Reporting: 

The first place you can review late cancellations would be the Cancelled Reservations Report under Analytics -> Reports > Attendance in Wodify. This report will give you a complete list of all instances a client has canceled their reservation for a class.

From inside this report, cancellations can be removed from a client’s account via the Delete button:


  • By default, this report will show only Late Cancellations.
  • Unchecking the box next to Only Cancellation Policy Violations will show all cancellations. 

The first place to review No Shows would be the Clients No Shows report in Analytics > Reports > Attendance. This report will give you a complete list of all the times a client has not-showed up to class and did not cancel beforehand. 

From inside the report, you can click Delete to remove a No Show:



Via the Coachboard:

You can also review cancellations and no-shows from the Coachboard tab in your Kiosk. On the left menu, you will see the Reservations widget where all reservations made will be displayed. (Note: this widget will only display if reservations have been enabled for the class). Each reservation entry will have a coded letter to the right that indicates the reservation status:

  • C - Cancelled reservations
  • F - Reservation for a Free Trial
  • R - Active Reservation; also indicates the client has not been signed into class
  • D - Drop-In reservation
  • N - No Show


Hovering your mouse cursor over the letter of these statuses will reveal the Wodify timestamps associated with this reservation’s history.  

  • This also includes the history as to the exact time someone may have canceled a reservation in the event there are any questions regarding a late cancellation.  


Via a Client's Profile:

Late Cancellations and No Shows will also appear in the corresponding Client’s profile via People > Clients under their Attendance section.  They can be removed at the Admin’s discretion by clicking Remove.


Admins now have the ability to forgive No Shows and Late Cancellations, which would result in restoring the client's lost session and refund their invoice of the cancellation charge. These actions will populate depending on the class settings the gym has. This function lives in the Attendance section of a Clients profile.

TIP: You may utilize our Simple Sign in or Kiosk via the coachboard to sign the client back into class, after their no show or late cancellation is forgiven.

If you need any additional assistance with Late Cancellation and No Show Settings, feel free to

reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).


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