Our global header, Quick Nav, ensures you are able to quickly and easily access Global Search, use prebuilt or custom shortcuts, and navigate Wodify seamlessly on any desktop or mobile device.
- In this article, we’ll walk you through the biggest changes. Don’t worry; all of your features and functions are still here!
In this article, we'll cover :
Overview of Quick Nav
Primary functions of the Quick Nav header menu include:
- Enhanced Client Global Search, accessible in the header
- Prebuilt and customizable shortcuts; link to a page in or outside of Wodify
- Quick account options menu (switching businesses, logging out, managing your profile, Help Center)
Global Search
Our enhanced Global Search is easily accessible in the header, or with a quick Shift+S hotkey. On Global Search, you can
- search for leads and clients by their name, email and phone number
- access their Quick View profile
- Quickly communicate with them through In-App Chat, SMS, email, or phone call
Editing your Nav Bar
Customize your Nav Bar shortcuts! Under “Edit Nav Bar” in the profile dropdown you can choose up to 5 shortcuts to display in Quick Nav, including:
- Create Task (Default)
- Create Client (Default)
- Create Lead (Default)
- Send Waiver (Default)
- New Announcement
- Class Calendar
- Book Appointment
- Custom Links
Choosing Create New Link will open up a window for you to add any link you want, and customize it's name and appearance.
- This can link to a page within Wodify, or any external webpage!
- If you create a link shortcut to a website that you have an app for on a mobile device (Instagram, for example), the shortcut will open that app when you use it on that mobile device!
- You can also paste a Wodify URL in here - like Classes>Reservations, a report you check often, or any of your Financial pages - to create your own Wodify shortcut!
Profile Management
Accessing and editing your Client Profile, switching between multiple Wodify businesses you're active with, and logging out are all found in the profile picture dropdown in the top right corner.
Tip: Click on your profile picture in this dropdown menu to quickly add a new profile picture!
Accessing Wodify Extensions
All of your quick links to Wodify extensions are found at the bottom of your left-side menu in Core. This includes:
- Online Sales Page
- Simple Sign-In
- Retail Point of Sale
- Kiosk
- Kiosk +
If you need any additional assistance with the Quick Nav header, feel free to reach out to us at support@wodify.com.