Creating Programs

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Within Wodify, programs act as the building blocks for creating Workouts and Classes. This article will walk you through the steps for creating your own programs!


Already built your programs? Check out Creating Classes and Creating a New Membership Template!


Creating a Program:

Programs are the foundational building block for your Workouts and your Classes - if you have multiple Membership Access Options, you will want to create Additional Programs for Each.


Examples of Programs:

  • CrossFit
  • Open Gym
  • Yoga
  • Olympic Lifting
  • Youth MMA, etc.

To Create a Program:

  1. Select Classes
  2. Select Program
  3. Select + New Program in the Top Right Corner
  4. Create the Program as you see fit
    • Program Name
      • Appears All Throughout the Platform, Default Name for Classes, Visible to Clients
    • Program Description
      • External Notation of the Program's Description to be displayed on the Wodify Client App
    • Program Color on Calendar
      • Appears All Throughout the Platform, Visible to Clients
    • Publish Workouts Externally
      • Provides you a Global Option to push Workouts to your WordPress or Website Integration
    • Count Towards Membership Attendance Limits
      • Sets the Default for FUTURE Classes, Example would be that all clients (including as an example 3x Per Week clients) are able to go to Unlimited Open Gym classes.
      • You can also toggle this on or off for any individual class
    • Secure Workout Programming
      • Allows you to delineate who is able to view Workouts and along what timeline of their current membership term.
      • Please Note: If you do not have access to Secure Programming, this is due to the fact that you are on a lower pricing tier, please reach out to for more information on how to upgrade your account.
  5. Select to Save



TIP: If you create a new Program that current Clients need access to - please follow the below instructions:

Also, things to note when updating programs in progression attendance trackers:

  • Progression-level attendance trackers can be set to only count attendance from specific programs. 
  • If the attendance tracker is set up this way, you will need to add the new program to the level's tracker if you want that new program to count toward attendance:
    • Go to People > Progressions > Click on a progression
    • Click Manage Levels > Click the pencil icon next to a level to edit
    • Select the attendance tracker > Open the program dropdown > Select the new program
    • Click Save
    • Repeat for all other levels.
  • If you need any additional assistance with Creating Programs, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).


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