Refunding an Invoice




In Wodify you have the ability to offer a refund to a client in two way. One is offering a line item or partial refund to a client, and the other is to offer a refund for the full cost of the invoice. This article will walk you through the differences between these two refunds and how you apply them to your own invoices!


In this article, we'll cover:


Line Refund

Line Refunds are applied after an invoice is paid. You can choose to collect item returns OR provide a dollar amount refund to the line.

To apply a line refund:

  1. Open the Invoice you wish to discount
  2. Select:
    • Refund Money: Enter the dollar amount you wish to refund. 
    • Return Item(s): Enter the quantity you'd like to return to inventory.

Note: Once you have returned an item you can no longer refund a dollar amount to the line item. Once you have refunded a dollar amount to the line you can not return an item.


Header Refund

Header Refunds are applied after an invoice is paid. Header refunds should be used when a customer is returning ALL items and a full refund is necessary. 

To apply a header refund:

  1. Open the Invoice you wish to discount
  2. Click Actions > Refund Total Invoice


Note: Invoices can only be refunded after they've been paid successfully. If an invoice is still unpaid, you will want to Discount or Void the invoice

  • Invoices can be voided from the Actions menu before they are paid



More Information:

TIP: Wodify Blueprint Course - Increase revenue with automated billing

If you need any additional assistance with Refunding an Invoice, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).


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