Reporting - Financial

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This article provides a brief description of each Financial report available to you. You can use these reports to help understand and reflect on your business's overall financial health. It is divided into four sections and each section will have a list of reports you can expect to find on that page:




All Invoices

This report provides a list of each individual invoice that has ever been generated within your Wodify environment. At a glance, this report contains specific invoice details, as well as a summary of each column total, which is displayed at the top of the report.

This report is driven by the invoice payment due date, not the date of the transaction. For specific transaction-related information please refer to the Transaction History report.



Appointment Value Detail

This report provides each appointment that was booked and it's value.

The Appointment Value Calculation is Membership Cost* / Number of sessions in the membership = Session Value 

* The membership cost is the amount of the invoice associated with the appointment membership. If any discounts or updates are made to the membership invoice prior to the invoice being paid, the session value will be updated accordingly.

Note: All appointments are included in this report, regardless of the client's status on the appointment (attended, no show, canceled). We encourage you to filter these statuses based on your specific needs.



Daily Sales

This report provides a chronological list, grouped by day, of all daily sales based on the payment due date.



Online Sales Portal Sales

This report provides a list of all sales that come from the Online Sales Portal. ​​The Sales by Category per Month chart is generated based on Status, Sale Type, and Date Range filters. 

Overdue Invoices

This report provides a complete list of all open invoices that are Unpaid and have a Payment Due Date in the past.



Paying Clients by Month

This report displays a list of all active clients who are paying for a membership during the given month. If your Wodify environment has more than one location, the total Paying Members will be broken down by location.

Within this report, there is a particular set of data, and certain types of paying clients are not included.  Any memberships that meet the following criteria, will be included:

  • The associated invoice for the membership must be dated as Due during the given month
  • Invoice payment for the membership must be Paid
  • The payment(s) for the membership during that month must be more than $0.00
  • Plan memberships that are Paid in Full in a prior month 

The following will not appear in this report:

  • Those who are currently on a Session-based membership
  • Clients with membership invoices that are Unpaid
  • Payments made for multiple memberships - a client will only appear once even if they have multiple memberships
  • If a client has not made a membership payment for this month due to the membership being on Hold



Promo Codes

This report provides a summary of promo code usage, totalling the number times codes were redeemed and the total value redeemed.


Revenue by Membership

This report provides a list of all membership plans, their corresponding number of memberships, and the total net revenue. A chart of net revenue is also generated based on membership, location, and date range filters.

  • This report will populate based on the membership’s payment due date and not on the invoice paid date.



Revenue by Month

This report generates a chart displaying revenue by month and location. Revenue that is collected for any invoices that are Paid and have a Payment Due will be added to a given month’s revenue total.  

  • For example, invoices that are due in May 2022 and have a status of Paid will be included in the May 2022 revenue totals.  Store credit will also be added to revenue collected, based on its creation date, once the store credit has been spent.
  • This report will not show revenue based on when the transaction had been completed for the invoice. The Transaction History report will show specific information as to when a transaction was processed and the revenue collected.



Revenue by Product

This report provides the total net revenue generated for each product. The revenue is calculated based on the invoice due date, not the paid date.

  • This report includes historical data of revenue collected and the number of units sold from products that have been deleted.



Revenue by Revenue Category

This report provides a list of total net revenue grouped by revenue category and location. The net revenue is calculated by the payment due date.

  • This report includes historical data of revenue collected and the number of units sold from products that have been deleted



Revenue By Staff

This report provides a list of staff members and the total net revenue from invoices that they created.



Store Credit Invoices

This report represents a list of invoices for purchases of store credit. These invoices are currently not reported in the "All invoices" report to prevent double-counting. This, for example, will list a client that bought credit to use on drinks or merch in the future.


Tax Summary

This report shows the total amount of tax paid, associated with invoices that had a payment due date within each month.



Value of Each Client

This report provides a list of clients and the sum of all money ever collected from that client.





Failed Transactions

This report provides a list of any invoices that attempted to run, but the transaction failed.



When viewing an invoice in Wodify, you can see the transaction history of the specific invoice by clicking the magnifying glass icon next to the Invoice Status. This will show you all transaction attempts on the invoice. 




This report provides a list of all payouts along with summaries of charges, refunds, adjustments, fees, and net totals.

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Payment Methods

All Payment Methods

This report shows you the type of default payment set for each client. This is helpful to see which clients are paying by credit card, bank account, cash, or check.



Expiring Credit Cards

This report provides a list of all of the credit card payment methods that are due to expire within the selected time frame.



Payment Methods without Valid Mandate

This report will provide a list of payment methods within your environment without a valid mandate.

Note: This report will only show for environments using EziDebit as their Payment Processor.



Unused Store Credit

This report provides a list of all unused store credit associated with your clients.





All Payroll

This report provides a summary of payroll detail by pay period.

Note: This report is only available on our Promote pricing tier.



Payroll Forecast

This report provides forecasted payroll based on future class schedules and will update if there are any changes made to the class schedule.

Note: This report is only available on our Promote pricing tier.



Payroll History

This report provides payroll expenses over time.

Note: This report is only available on our Promote pricing tier.



Related Information & Articles:

Wodify Blueprint Courses:

Behind the Numbers:

If you have any further questions about Financial Reporting, reach out to our team at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Grow & Promote only).



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