Data and Tables for Custom Reporting

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In this article, we'll cover a variety of different tables and explore their different uses.




Appointment Details

This dataset has an individual record for each appointment booking that is made. It includes all appointment bookings for previous and future appointments. It also includes their status, dates, and relevant client information. This is only for appointments and does not include data on class attendance or reservations (see Attendance or Class Reservations).



This dataset has an individual record for each class sign-in that occurs. It includes all client attendances for previous classes. It includes dates, class information, and relevant client information. This does not include data on reservations for future classes or reservations where the client did not attend (see Class Reservations).



This dataset includes an individual record for each class that exists in your environment. It includes all previous and future scheduled classes. If they are created in your environment they will be available here.

  • [Reservation Opens Time], [Reservation Closes Time], and [Late Cancellation Time] refers to the time prior to the start of class. Also included is relevant information regarding the class, such as the number of sign-ins, reserved spots, and no-shows. As well as the time and location for the class.


Class Reservations

This dataset includes an individual record for each reservation that is made for a class. This dataset includes all reservations for future and previous classes with the most recent update. It includes the status of the reservation, date and time of both the class, and reservation update, as well as other relevant information regarding the client and reservation.


Client History

This dataset includes a record for every time a client accounts status changes. This dataset includes the client whose status has changed, the information that changed (location, active status), and the date of the change. It also includes a value representing the overall change in the client number as a result of the client account status change.



This dataset includes a record for every client that has been added. Inactive clients are still included and are flagged appropriately. This includes contact information, demographics, and relevant information about them as a client such as their length of engagement, membership status, and default payment method.


Coaches Classes

This data includes a record for everytime a coach is associated with a class. Some classes have multiple coaches assigned to them resulting in that particular class being present in this dataset multiple times. It also includes information regarding the role of the assigned coach.


Data Refresh Time

This dataset includes the date and time of the latest data refresh in the Custom Reporting database. The time is localized to the time zone of every business.


Lead History

This dataset includes a record for every time a lead's status changes. This dataset includes the lead whose status has changed, the information that changed, and the date and time of the change.



This data includes an individual record for every lead that is created. It has contact information, notes on conversion, present status, and source. Leads who convert remain in this dataset but their conversion status is noted.


Membership Retention 

This dataset includes data on the Retention of memberships and uses three categories to track retention New, Returning, and Lost. 


Membership Retention Rates

This dataset is similar to Membership Retention but tracks Retention Rates each month for the entire business rather than individual Clients. 


Membership Discount Details

This dataset includes an individual record for each time a discount was applied to a membership. For memberships that have been renewed, it includes a record for each time it was applied (monthly, yearly, etc…) It also includes information on the percent or flat fee discount that was applied and the aggregate dollar value of the discount.


Membership Holds

This dataset includes an individual record for each hold that has been applied to a membership. It includes information regarding the hold itself, start and end dates, length, reason. Additionally, included is relevant information regarding the client and membership in question.



This dataset includes an individual record for each membership created. For memberships that are renewed, there are records for each time the membership has been renewed. This contains information like the type of membership, start and end dates, and attendance limits if applicable. There is also information about the financial value of the membership.


Payment Methods

This dataset includes an individual record for each payment method. Payment methods that are no longer the client's default are still included but are not flagged as default. In addition to relevant information about the payment method, there is also information about the owner for shared payment methods.



This dataset includes details about all Payouts for Wodify Payments customers. 


Payroll Details

This dataset includes an individual record for each class that a coach or staff member generates an earned payment. For classes that have multiple coaches, there are records for each coach. However, this only has information for classes that have occurred and payment actually generated. There is no data on future classes and projected payroll. It has information regarding the payroll period it is part of as well as the class that generated the required payment.


Performance Results

This dataset includes an individual record for each performance result recorded by any client. The performance result does not need to be associated with a class or workout to be included. It has the relevant performance information depending on the type of component, set, reps, weight, distance, time, etc… It also has notes and other information related to the component, workout, and class.



This dataset includes an individual record for each product entered. For products with multiple variants, each variant is included with the variant name listed. It also includes information on the prices, inventory, and cost per unit.



This dataset includes information on all of the clients who ever been assigned to a level within a progression. It has basic information on the client as well as information regarding their association with the progression. This includes when they were assigned and whether or not they are actively at that level.


Progressions Trackers

This dataset includes information about every tracker that a client associated with the appropriate progression/level has. It includes basic information about the client, but also information about when they accomplished the tracker.


Refused Sign-Ins

This dataset includes a record of every time a client was unable to sign in. It includes information about the class they were denied access to as well as the generated message with the stated cause.



This dataset includes a record for every line item on a generated invoice. The information here is related to the invoice and the invoice status, which is technically different from the transaction information. This will update when the transaction has been processed, however, for specific data on transactions see the Transactions table. This data does include information on the revenue category, the client who made the purchase, and the date the invoice payment is due.



This dataset includes a record of any current Segment. It includes the Segment Name, Segment Description, Client, and/or Lead Name. 


Store Credit

This dataset shows the balances of Store Credit for any Client


Store Credit Invoices

This dataset includes invoices for the sale of store credit.


Total Attendance

This dataset is similar to Attendance but also includes appointment attendance data. It includes all client attendances for previous classes and appointments. It includes dates, class information, and relevant client information. This does not include data on reservations for future classes or reservations where the client did not attend (see Class Reservations or Appointment Details).



This dataset includes a record for each individual transaction attempt that occurs through Wodify Payments. For transactions that have failed and then reprocessed, it contains a record for each attempt and the outcome. It also includes relevant information about the client and the payment method that was used.


Waiver Questions 

This dataset includes the answers to any questions you have on your Waiver for both Clients and leads. 



If you need any additional assistance with Data and Tables for Custom Reporting, feel free to reach out to our team at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).


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