Running a fitness center smoothly requires efficient task management. To streamline your administrative duties and make them manageable, Wodify has introduced a feature-rich Task Management system.
In Task Management, staff are able to create and share collaborative Tasks. These Tasks can be assigned to individual staff members, who mark them as completed when they're done.
- Manage your follow up emails with New Leads, No Shows, and At-Risk Clients.
- Remind staff to check in on injured clients while they're on hold
- Designate regular Failed Billing follow-ups
- Create a series of post-appointment reminders for Personal Trainers
In this article, we'll cover:
- Getting Started with Tasks
- Creating a New Task
- Recurring Tasks
- Communication within Tasks
- Managing Tasks in Bulk
- Task Notifications
- Tasks in the Wodify App's Coach View
Getting Started with Tasks
Accessible in the Communication section of Wodify, the main Tasks display gives you loads of functionality right out of the gate:
- The Tasks Tray displays collections of tasks. Clicking on a title will open tasks applicable to that section. Admins can also see a collection entitled everyone's tasks
- The View Button allows the user to sort and filter Tasks by Assignee, Due Date, Alphabetical Order and Date Created.
- The Top Ellipsis button, located just under The View Button, opens up the Bulk Actions modal.
- The Task Ellipsis button allows the user to edit or delete a task.
- The Search Bar can be used to search for tasks by title, name, date, and more!
- The Radial Button can be clicked to mark a task as complete.
- The + Task Button is used to start a new task.
Not only can you assign any individual Employee, Manager or Admin to a Task, you can also assign a Task to a Segment:
You can only assign segments that strictly contain Employees, Managers, and/or Admins (no Clients or Leads)
Tip: Only one person can complete any given task; if you have a task for multiple people to complete individually, create multiple tasks with individual assignments
Please refer to our article on creating Segments for additional information
Creating a New Task
When you're ready to start creating tasks, you can press the "+ Task" button at the top of the Task Management screen, utilize the Globe icon at the bottom left, or use the Shift+T Keyboard shortcut, to open the following window. Let's review the process of creating a Task!
- Task Contents: The field for entering the instructions of the Task
- Task Comment: An optional field for entering extra details to help keep your Task Name succinct.
Assignee: Tag an individual staff member or an entire segment for task completion. Create segments for roles like staff, employee, manager, and admin, but ensure no clients are included before task assignment.
Only one Assignee or Segment can be assigned to each Task
People: For tagging a specific client in a task, so that the assignee knows exactly who to assist.
This is strictly for internal communication - clients will not be able to see Tasks whether or not they're tagged.
- Due Date: Assign a specific date upon which a particular Task is due
- Recurring: Activate this feature to schedule tasks at regular intervals. It's ideal for tasks that need constant attention, ensuring nothing is overlooked.
Note: Keyboard Shortcuts in the Task Window
When entering a Task Name or Task Description, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts:
@ for an Assignee
+ for People
/ for a Due Date
Recurring Tasks
Let's introduce a streamlined solution: recurring tasks. Imagine this: admins being gently reminded to oversee bi-weekly payroll, or coaches prompted to keep tabs on gym attendees who might be slipping through the cracks.
With recurring tasks, we can help with oversight, and elevate our efficiency by eliminating the need to create the same repetitive tasks over and over.
When creating a task, you can refer to item 6 in the Creating a New Task section above:
- Select "Recurring" from the task editor sidebar
- Set your first due date
- Set your repetition period
- Set an end period for the task, or select Never to have it repeat indefinitely
Once you've created a recurring task, the assignee can check it off at any time. When they check the currently-due task, the same task will automatically reappear with the next due date!
Take a look at our walkthrough for Recurring Tasks below for more detail:
Communication within Tasks
Staff can utilize Tasks to communicate with and update one another about a Task, allowing for effective, efficient, and organized updates.
After clicking on the title of a Task, you can see not only the Task Name and Task Description, but the Comment that Kali left on the Task. This way, Kali is communicating an update to all Admins (Notice the Admin segment is following this task).
- By using the @ keyboard shortcut from the previous section, staff are able to Mention each other in Tasks.
- This Mention causes the Task to populate in the "Mentioned" field from Getting Started with Tasks, so that staff can easily and efficiently monitor Task updates.
Managing Tasks in Bulk
To quickly reschedule, complete, reassign, or delete a large amount of tasks, select Bulk Actions just below The View Button
Once you've engaged the bulk task management view, you'll see the following:
Tip: Reassigning a series of tasks is a Huge timesaver in the event of employee turnover
Task Notifications
We now offer task notifications via both mobile push notifications and emails. This ensures employees are promptly alerted to assigned tasks, guaranteeing nothing gets overlooked.
The Task Manager establishes a list of Followers - people who should be notified about the task. This list is determined based on:
- Who created the Task
- To whom the Task is assigned
- Anyone mentioned in the Task comments
- Anyone commenting on the Task
- Anyone manually added as a Follower
Tip: Followers can be manually added and removed within the Task sidebar
Push Notifications:
Creating a Task
Notifies: Followers, excluding the person who created the Task -
Completing a Task
Notifies: Followers, excluding the person who marked the Task complete
(The same applies to marking a Completed Task as Incomplete) -
Commenting on a Task
Notifies: Followers, excluding the person making the comment
Creating a Task
Notifies: the person assigned to the Task -
Commenting on a Task
Notifies: the person @ mentioned in the comment
Tasks in the Wodify App's Employee View
To help staff monitor and update their tasks on the go, their Assigned Tasks will also appear in the Mobile App.
- In the Home Screen, Tasks with the soonest Due Date will appear in the Upcoming Tasks field
- In the Profile tab, staff can monitor all of their assigned tasks, as well as their recently completed ones!
Once that staff member taps on an Assigned Task, they can not only mark it complete, but edit, delete, or comment on the Task!
Tip: If you need any additional assistance with Task Management, feel free to reach out to us at or via Priority Live Chat in your admin account (Promote only).